That time of the year is approaching when everything smells of a family gathering, happiness and harmony. Then day in which the Christmas carols sound, announcing the birth of the baby Jesus. And in our homes, the lights of the tree begin to turn on. The red color enhance our tables and, in our kitchens, the menu for that special day begins to be planned.

A special celebration in an unusual year

Maybe this year will be a little different from the previous ones. The pandemic we face in 2020 has forced us to change the way we celebrate. There may not be big gatherings. We might not have the whole family sitting at our table. There may not be the possibility of those big hugs. But this situation is only temporary. Soon we will all celebrate together again, as we did before.

That is why my advice for this Christmas is that do not let this pandemic affect your life more longer. You might take this moment to reinvent yourself.

Be creative

Try to find new ways of sharing with your loved ones in which you do not put them at risk.

We are living in a world with wonderful advances in technology. Today we can share with our friends and families without the need to be in the same physical space. Yes, I know, it will never be the same, but it is what we can do in this special moment, so let’s do it right. Let’s call our parents and families to tell them how much we love them.

Today you can spend online time with your friends and toast to the good thing life has given you, despite COVID. And wait patiently for all the good things that will give you in the years to come.

Let’s use our voice to embrace our loved ones who accompany us on the screen. Let’s celebrate love in a different way!